register Free Webinar on Dec. 22nd, 2022, Click Here.
I am going to share 7 small stories about how I learned from the Best over years as a student, a management consultant, a supply chain professional, a solar entrepreneur, a M.E. ... Those star lights shined upon me in dark nights… I’ll also share the personal journeys of another Best, our Guest: Jan Rippingale, Founder of Blu Banyan & Great Thought-leader for SunSpec Orange Button Solar Initiatives (about 1/3 solar installers use her applications…). She for first time shared her heart-touching life journey at Enso Circle Space. One (1) Hour, Enso Circle Space Certificate available to webinar attendees.
Look forward to seeing you soon.
Happy Holidays! Enjoy Joy. Peace. Harmony. at your home and at
Susanna Enso