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Solar Mass Adoption, Good for You?

Are you ready for Solar Mass Adoption? Many factors such as Paris Climate Agreement, Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Extreme Weather Conditions, Advanced Solar Technologies etc. are driving the Solar Mass Adoption. We are finally at this tipping point. Is the solar mass adoption good for You? It depends. Many new people are attracted to the solar industry…I already saw so many new faces at RE+. The solar professionals in industry are sharpening their skills to stay competitive. Only you will be responsible for your opportunities in solar. Learning is to survive but also to grow. Facing the huge uncertainties and opportunities, we promote Unlearn-to-Learn in a new way, taking a 360 degree approach in a happy nurturing community at Enso Circle Space. Martin Herzfeld and I will share our insights on how to learn to accelerate solar mass adoptions, leveraging our innovative Enso Circle Space 360-degree global training program. Together with Mr. Bill Brooks - Top Solar Electric Codes Expert, Mr. Martin Herzfeld are bringing in a series of basic and advanced online solar courses to global solar professionals on our Enso Circle Space platform. Martin is an Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) Certified Master Trainer ™ Emeritus, Licensed Solar & Electrical Contractor #833782, CA, Third-Party Inspections for 11 years, ICC (International Code Council) Certified Electrical Residential Inspector, OSHA-Authorized Construction Trainer, and Adjunct Professor at American River College in Sacramento, California USA. He received Excellence in Teaching Award Issued by California Council for Adult Education (CCAE). “Martin was patient, kind, detailed and super instructive. The clients showed up from week to week enthusiastic and excited about learning. Not only the theory but the hands on implementation of the techniques were great!” Register our free webinar on Thursday Oct. 6th, click here. P.S. Enso Circle Space Certificate is available to all webinar attendees only (1 hour) Don’t forget to check out our online solar training courses taught by renowned teachers below. Cheers,

Susanna Enso

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