I am happy to share "Mistake #2: Not Having A Guide for Education".
I’m grateful for my unique solar experience over last ten years in the United States.
Steve Jobs said. " you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”
A 7 bright star education guide for the global solar professionals emerged. I am excited to share it with you later at my online course.
“7 Common Mistakes that Keep You From Shining Your Best Light” video series give you a deep dive of seven common mistakes on solar education and how to turn them around to shine your best light in solar!
Should this video resonate with you, please share with your friends and email enso@ensocirclespace.com to claim your amazing Solar THANK YOU Gift which are "LIKED" by thousands of people! Thank you!
Susanna Enso
About Author
Susanna Enso is an award-winning global solar executive and consultant, founder of Ginlong Solis USA, Board member of SunSpec Alliance, Brand Strategist and Elite Lecturer of Enso Circle Space, Poet of Moon Creek, and Former Management Consultant with Accenture, providing consulting services to Fortune 1000 American Companies etc.