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7 Most Important Questions by Enso

Writer's picture: Susanna HuangSusanna Huang

Today, I asked 7 Most Important Questions to myself.

Questions Number 1. What attracted you to do what you enjoy doing today?

About 10 years ago, I was doing a fleet strategic sourcing project which was part of a global sustainability initiative. Our German global head told me that he saw solar installers around the street corners everywhere in Germany. Out of curiosity, I did my own research on solar. Then I was attracted by the magic of solar and its huge growth potential. Soon after, I left my comfortable big corporation career and started my exciting solar journey.

Questions Number 2. How did you learn to rise on the top in your space?

I learned the best when I solved the real-world problems, to build our business from scratch to one of the top 10 solar consulting services firms in the United States. I was walking on the untraveled path. I shall learn fast and effectively.

I normally have three ways of learning,

  • Learn from the best solar professionals in their spaces, such as top talents from Ginlong Solis, Sunrun, PV Evolution Lab, DNV GL, SunSpec Alliance etc.

  • Learn from books. I prefer to read the books recommended from trustworthy sources, such as by the business friends. It took more time to read but I enjoyed deeper understanding of the subject.

  • Learn from online courses. I took online courses in a wide range of topics from personal transformation, social media marketing, business to parenting etc. to enrich my life not only about work.

Questions Number 3. What was your biggest A-Ha moment in life?

In a summer night, I walked out of the hotel after a SunSpec conference. I saw amazing stars shining on the dark Pacific Ocean. In ancient times, travelers were using stars to guide their paths. In an A-ha moment, I realized I could use stars for our global solar education guide. I use 7 Stars to represent 7 major solar spaces. It is easy-to-understood and easy-to-remember. I may help more people see the amazing star sky of solar spaces.

Questions Number 4. How do you connect with people in other solar spaces?

In the past, I worked with many professionals across multi-disciplines in my consulting services. I learned tremendously from them. I saw magic at the intersections of the different solar spaces. I designed 7 stars global solar education guide to bring more lights to the interconnection areas. We want to release the full potential of the solar supply chain to advance the global solar adoptions. We need more collaborations among us.

Questions Number 5. What is your biggest lesson-learned?

Work in your strength zone. I call it genius zone. I had a zig zag career in engineering, consulting, and solar entrepreneurship. I know too well the uncomfortable experience of not working in the genius zone. Some of you might not work in your genius zones as well.

When I consciously chose my career path, live and work more and more in my genius zone, I achieved results with ease, joy and sometimes in the flow.

As the leadership guru John Maxwell wisely said, “To successful live, we must stay within our strength zone, but more continuously outside our comfort zone.”

Questions Number 6. What will be your next biggest move?

I want to attract a few more top talents to join our Enso Circle Space. It is certainly not one-person’s task to provide the best solar education globally. I want us to work in the close-knit lecturer group to provide the best 360-degree solar educations, especially in the areas with less access. I believe in “Learn from the Best, Share with Peers. Grow in Nurturing Environment and Contribute to Communities.”

Questions Number 7. What legacy would you like to leave on our lovely planet?

Brighten the world with love and light of solar energy.” This is our Mission at Enso Circle Space. Solar is a path for our solar professionals to be happy, live in joy peace and harmony along with fighting the climate change. I want to share a quote from Aristotle, “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”

P.S. Register Sep 1st free webinar here.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” - Rumi


Susanna Enso

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